Thursday, September 3, 2020

Abraham Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers

Lincoln      No leader of the United States at any point accepted office under more troublesome conditions than Abraham Lincoln. When of his initiation day, an enormous bit of the South had just withdrawn when they knew about his political race. Nor did he have the help and certainty of a huge bit of the North either. To most Americans, Lincoln was a relative obscure and his natively constructed picture and propensity for humor frequently drove the two his rivals and his staff to think little of him. General McClellan excused his president as a bozo while the abolitionist Wendall Phillips portrayed Lincoln as a ‘first-rate, inferior man’ who was continually ‘waiting like some other hireling for the individuals to come and send him on any task they wish.’      Such estimations show that Lincoln’s genuine knowledge and political keenness were generally misconstrued, maybe inferable from the way that he was an intricate and extremely private man, not promptly given to imparting his inward considerations to even his nearest consultants. He likewise showed up on a superficial level to take care of business of extraordinary logical inconsistencies. He was abolitionist bondage but then he faltered to free the slaves. He was a firm devotee to the Constitution but then he suspended the writ of habeas corpus.      The answer to these appearing inconsistencies lies in Lincoln’s character. He was both a man of high standards and a realist. His fundamental objective was the safeguarding of the Union. W...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Communications and conflict Essay Example For Students

Interchanges and strife Essay Joannes comprehension of fellowship and business is most likely substantially more conclusive and organized than the white understudy laborer. Asians are known for their adherence to rules and guidelines varying from a progressively laid back perspective of somebody brought up in the United States. Joanne ought to have been progressively mindful of the social contrasts among herself and the understudy laborer, and in doing so could assist with controlling different clashes later on. Joannes second clash happened among her and a partner. This lady was from Puerto Rico, around twenty years more established. They had cooperated for a long time in the equivalent authoritative helper position. This lady was continually reprimanding others for missteps or issues in the workplace. Things would disappear or something would break, and the ladies would quickly reprimand somebody for the disaster. It had consistently irritated Joanne, however as it advanced, the cases turned out to be increasingly genuine. It turned out to be a lot for her when she blamed one for Joannes companions of opening another partners mail and taking cash out of it. Joanne moved toward the ladies and asked her how she realized it was her companion that had taken the cash out of the mail. The ladies didn't have an answer. Joanne then revealed to her that it wasnt reasonable for her to accuse others without legitimate proof that what she was stating was false. She likewise revealed to her that before making statements of this nature, she should move toward the individual she is charging and get the full story. The ladies quickly got cautious and irate. Joanne then turned to humor and mockery to stifle her resentment, poking fun at where the cash had really gone and teasingly blaming the lady for taking it. Joanne made me that making a wisecrack out of it assistant her to vent a portion of her steam yet additionally let others around her know about the circumstance. The contention despite everything exists Joanne still retreats to mockery to manage it (seems like somebody I know). The wellspring of this contention was one of separating convictions in perspectives. It likewise clarifies Joannes impossible serious way to deal with the circumstance despite the fact that she typically is evading. As she referenced before in the meeting, when it is an issue of her convictions, she doesn't stop for a second to state something. Her way to deal with the circumstance was eloquent and she made a non-unfriendly correspondence condition by welcoming the ladies into the discussion. Her contention settling style was obliging, yet the contention was not so much understood. By falling back on kidding and mockery Joanne may have conceivably made a much more serious issue. On the off chance that, by some coincidence, the individual hearing the joke disapproves, the contention can transform into a considerably bigger scope strife. The book says that, jokes or mocking comments can be shielded, as Joanne felt when she utilized them, yet it suggests being progressively transparent when a contention happens. Subsequent to meeting Joanne and dismembering her contentions cautiously, I have come to see how significant refereeing abilities are in todays society. We are gone up against with clashes regular and being proficient about approaches to fathom them is basic in pushing ahead in ones vocation and throughout everyday life. The book relates that, Effective refereeing requires an uplifting mentality toward suitable relational correspondence and toward strife itself. Instead of view all contention as a danger or a negative condition, people need to think about communicated contrasts as the potential for imagination and growth(Borisoff 29). Numerous individuals see strife as negative and blocking to collaborations. However in improving as a contention solver, I have understood that I can utilize clashes to further my potential benefit and use them to make change when I am troubled in a relationship or at work. Its absolutely impossible to totally freed the universe of contentions. Individuals will consistently have contrasts and contradictions, however we should consider it to be, a wellspring of incredible potential and productivity(223). Being able to grasp clashes will guarantee incredible guarantee in managing collaborations in the working environment and seeing someone.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Medusa The Snake Haired Woman With A Deadly Stare Professor Ramos Blog

Medusa The Snake Haired Woman With A Deadly Stare Can any anyone explain why Medusa is viewed as an alarming beast? Is it the snakes on her scalp or, is it on the grounds that with a simple gaze coordinated your direction she can truly freeze you? There are various fantasies encompassing this otherworldly being have been recorded through time. I will utilize some artistic attempts to assist better with understanding the narrative of Medusa and how she came to be this beast everybody knows today. Medusa is a lady who was exceptionally delightful with solid awesome hair that was practically identical to Athena, the goddess of shrewdness. She was Athenas priestess, somebody with a significance in strict position. The goddess of astuteness had gotten in a contention with her affection intrigue and furthermore being another god, Poseidon the divine force of the ocean. Poseidon at that point got irate with Athena and he later on spotted Medusa who he was unable to remove his eyes from. With the information on realizing Medusas rank in Athens where Athena would relate as often as possible, Poseidon chose to explicitly mishandle her since he realized that she accepted and venerated Athena. Medusa at that point immediately connected with Athena for help on the past horrendous encounters she has experienced. When Athena knew about these occasions she was with goaded with Medusa and condemnations her by making the acclaimed beast who could transform any man into stone with direct conta ct. This was a discipline from the goddess since she was explicitly manhandled by Poseidon and in light of the fact that her excellence was contrasted with her own and Athena was not satisfied with that. Medusa was expelled from Athens and her area was advised to be obscure. She was the main human out of the two sisters she had, making her an objective to numerous spectators. In the end, Medusa was executed by a man named Perseus who got help from the divine beings including Athena to overcome her in view of her terrible activities after she was reviled. One of the variants of Medusa is from the book Medusa: Solving the Mystery of The Gorgon where she is depicted as a savage animal. Her appearance has changed from her having flaky skin with sharp teeth to being in human structure with an unattractive face. â€Å"The Gorgons had layered heads, pigs tusks, baldfaced hands, and wings. They had distending tongues, glaring eyes, and snakes folded over their midsections as belts† (Wilk 21). Despite the fact that later in time Medusa’s appearance continued changing, her capacity to transform any being into stone continued as before. Presently, Medusa in Clash of The Titans† shows up as a half lady half snake animal. In the movie explicitly her face possibly turns terrible freely when she reaches someone else or living being. â€Å"The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters†characterizes Medusa as an abhorrent and ghastly beast. â€Å"In later accounts, which center significantly more completely around Medusa than on her two sisters, Medusa is introduced as an Underworld beast associated with death† (Kaleta). She is understood in these three sources as a lady with innumerable passings in her grasp because of the capacity of changing over people into sculptures. Generally dependent on the delineations of Medusa in these sources, she has not been changed a great deal. Her look normally goes to and fro from her being in human structure or part animal part human. Medusa’s story then again normally remains the equivalent. Medusa for me would handily get a rating of four out of five. She can direct be in the classification of a beast. Relatively few beasts have win ds in substitution of hair, this is simply part of Medusa’s special appearance. Cohen has seven all out postulations that conjectures what a beast is. His first proposal â€Å"The Monster’s Body Is a Cultural Body† clarifies that appearance just as the ceremonies done by the beast is based of off culture. This applies to this animal in light of the fact that in specific stories it is informed that Medusa’s refuge is loaded with sculptures from endless individuals and creatures. The vast majority will unmistakably comprehend who is liable for all the human figured stones. Medusa’s work is generally known all through time and the world. Much after Perseus kills Medusa and executes her head, her capacity to transform individuals into stone is still intact.The importance of Medusa in Greek intends to ensure or run the show. Perseus utilized Medusa’s insubstantial head to vanquish his enemies and ensure his friends and family. Her body is a social body and all the more explicitly her head. Additionally the depiction of her skin is s hrouded in scales and her lower body is part snake. These are connoting that snakes are perilous, when one is before a snake one of the main impulses is to gradually move away on the grounds that speedy developments tells the creature that they are in harm's way and snakes shield themselves by gnawing with thier noxious teeth. Postulation number two is about how The Monster Always Escapes. This ties into medusas story and herself on the grounds that in the article The Ashgate Enc of Literary and Cinematic Monsters, it peruses that there have been a great deal of warriors endeavoring to kill Medusa however every one of them fizzled. The one to at last destruction her was Perseus be that as it may, he didn't do only it. Perseus got help from Athena the goddess of insight who gave him a shield that could be utilized as a mirror to see Medusas reflection on the shield without gazing at her legitimately. Hermes the envoy for the divine beings gave the youngster a couple of shoes that had wings, that was utilized to make a trip to his goal. Perseus additionally got a blade from Zues the divine force of thunder. The last thing was a top of imperceptibility given to him by Hades the lord of the Underworld. After her passing, Medusa turns into a watchman in Hades, the place where there is the dead. It is there that Hercules later meets her (Kaleta). After death her spirit despite everything lives on and is presented in different legends story implying that she generally get away and returns. The following proposal is his third one, The Monster is The Harbinger of Category Crisis. The is fundamentally implying that the beast Refuses simple arrangement (Cohen 6). Classes, for example, appearance, timespan, or the setting. Medusa flawlessly fits into this proposal since she is part creature and part human. She likewise has winds on her head rather than hair, and snake like teeth (Kaleta). Numerous individuals dreaded Medusa in the past in light of the fact that she murders individuals in a flash with only a basic look at without flinching. Dread devoured individuals since Medusa causes demise. â€Å"The beast is consistently connected to taboo practices, so as to standardize and to uphold. The beast additionally attracts.The same animals who frighten and prohibit can bring out strong dreamer dreams; the connecting of mass with taboo makes the beast all the all the more engaging as a brief departure from constraint† (Cohen 16). This is a piece of the entry from proposal number six, Fear of The Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire. Medusa is an animal that few contenders in the past that were anxious to kill her. There was a sort of thirst of being the one to overcome Medusa that numerous warriors asked to satisfy. This is a motivation behind why there were a lot of sculptures in Medusa’s nest. Such a significant number of the men bombed up until Perseus won the fight against her. The last theory that will be talked about from Cohen’s article will be proposition number seven â€Å" The Monster Stands at the Threshold†¦ of Becoming.† To summarize, we ourselves are the ones liable for how beasts became, the beasts are our posterity. We are the explanation they were made, it could be founded on how they were dealt with or how the world grouped them. Being viewed as a specific thing can persuade individuals to accept that is the thing that they are. To sum up, Medusa is an incredible beast, all through time she has been a lady of excellence who was reviled by the goddess Athena. Medusas physical structure and appearance is then portrayed as terrible and disappointing to the eye. Because of her adjustment in appearance, she had the ability to transform any man into stone with a straightforward glare. Cohens proposition apply to Medusa dependent on her story and physical highlights. She was not brought into the world a beast, however made and many dreaded her capacities. On account of her uniqueness and many wanted to crush her however just one succeeded, Perseus. In the wake of being crushed Medusa despite everything figured out how to return in different saints story. Medusa is a beast that consistently comes to surface in abstract work. Through time Medusa is by one way or another consistently reintroduced, a beast composed all through our time. Work Cited Page Momentous conflict (2010)- Medusas Lair Scene (6/10). Youtube, transferred by Movieclips, 22 December 2016, Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. â€Å"Monster Culture: Seven Theses.† From Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. 3-25. Kaleta, Marcin Konrad. Medusa. The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Ashgate Publishing, first version, 2014. Philosophy Reference, Kayden, Spencer. â€Å"The Hunt for Medusa’s Head. (Spread Story).† Scholastic Scope, vol. 60, no. 2, Sept. 2011, p. 14. EBSCOhost, Leterrier, Louis, chief. Epic showdown. Warner Brothers, 2010.Wilk, Stephen R. Medusa†¯: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon. Oxford University Press, 1999. EBSCOhost,

Monday, June 8, 2020

Urinary Tract Infection Medicine Research Assignment - 275 Words

Urinary Tract Infection Medicine Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: URINARY TRACT INFECTIONByInstitutionUrinary Tract InfectionUrinary catheters place the patients using them at a risk of developing infections. The tubing when blocked, causing accumulation of urine in the bladder, can lead to infections. Bacteria may also reach the bladder through the tube leading to infection. Some symptoms realized with catheter associated UTI are; swelling, bleeding, or irritation around the catheter; bladder inflammation reduced drainage and reduced mental functionality (Carter, Reitmeier, Goodloe, 2014). The best way to reduce bacteria associated catheter infection is to remove it whenever it is no longer needed, and limit it to patients who require it more (Hooton, Bradley, Cardenas, Colgan, Geerlings, Rice, Nicolle, 2010).According to Carter et al. (2014), the best way to maintain catheters is to catheterize patients only when it is essential, and emphasize the importance of proper hand washing for all, insert catheters with sterile equipment using aseptic technique. Additionally, provide proper catheter maintenance, perform daily perineal care and after every bowel movement, note the clarity of urine at each shift, and remove the catheter as soon as possible. The catheter area and drainage bag should be clean all the times, and the bag emptied every eight hours (Carter et al. 2014). At all times the placement of the collection-bag and catheter tubing should be below the bladder, and the patient should have sufficient fluid intake (Carter et al. 2014). Additionally, the catheter tubing should not have any kinks and clamps and using small sized French catheter.Prevention of use of indwelling catheters and CAUTI is through inserting the indwelling catheter at the right condition, using proper insertion techniques, careful maintenance procedures, and elimination at earliest likely opportunity, ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The XYZ Affair Dispute Between France and the U.S.

The XYZ Affair was a dispute between diplomats from France and the United States in 1797 and 1798, during the early days of the presidential administration of John Adams that resulted in a limited, undeclared war known as the Quasi-War. Peace was quickly restored when the U.S. and France agreed on the Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine. The dispute’s name comes from the letters used by President Adams to refer to the French diplomats: Jean Hottinguer (X), Pierre Bellamy (Y), and Lucien Hauteval (Z). Key Takeaways: The XYZ Affair The XYZ Affair was a serious diplomatic dispute between France and the United States in 1797 and 1798 that led to the undeclared war between the nations known as the Quasi-War.The name of the affair comes from the letters X, Y, and Z used by U.S. President John Adams to refer to the names of three of the French diplomats involved.The dispute and Quasi-War were resolved by the Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine. Background In 1792, France went to war with Britain, Austria, and several other European monarchies. U.S. President George Washington had directed America to remain neutral. However, France, angered by the United States’ conclusion of Jay’s Treaty with Great Britain in 1795, began seizing American ships transporting goods to their enemies. In response, President John Adams sent U.S diplomats Elbridge Gerry, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and John Marshall to France in July 1797 with orders to restore harmony. Far from brokering peace, the U.S. envoys soon found themselves embroiled in the XYZ Affair. Jay's Treaty Had Angered France Ratified in 1795, Jay’s Treaty between the United States and Great Britain peacefully resolved issues lingering after the Treaty of Paris of 1783 had ended the American Revolutionary War. The treaty also facilitated a decade of peaceful trade between the United States and Britain during the height of the bloody French Revolutionary Wars. Having just helped the U.S. defeat the British in its own revolution, France was deeply angered by Jay’s Treaty. In the United States, the treaty divided Americans, contributing to the creation of America’s first political parties, the pro-Treaty Federalists and the anti-Treaty Anti-Federalists or Democratic Republicans. The XYZ Negotiations: A Bad Time Was Had by All Even before they sailed for Paris, American diplomats Gerry, Pinckney, and Marshall were not optimistic. Like others in the Adams administration, they viewed the French government—the Directory—as a source of such extreme decadence and intrigue that it would stand in the way of accomplishing their mission. Sure enough, as soon as they arrived, the American trio was told they would not be allowed to meet face-to-face with the French Foreign Minister and chief diplomat, the flamboyant and unpredictable Maurice de Talleyrand. Instead, they were met by Talleyrand’s intermediaries, Hottinguer (X), Bellamy (Y), and Hauteval (Z). Also stirring the pot was French playwright Pierre Beaumarchais, who had helped funnel much-needed French money to the United States during the American Revolution. X, Y, and Z told the Americans that Talleyrand would meet with them only if they agreed to satisfy three conditions: The United States had to agree to provide France with a substantial low-interest loan.The United States had to agree to pay all claims of damages filed against France by owners of American merchant ships seized or sunk by the French Navy.The United States had to pay a bribe of 50,000 British pounds directly to Talleyrand, himself. While the U.S. envoy was aware that diplomats from other nations had paid bribes in order to deal with Talleyrand, they were shocked and doubted that any such concessions on their part would result in substantial changes in French policy. In reality, Talleyrand had intended to end the French attacks on U.S. merchant shipping all along, but only after increasing his personal wealth and political influence within the French Directory government. In addition, Talleyrand’s intermediaries, X, Y, and Z, having invested heavily in U.S. businesses themselves, wanted to preserve peace. However, emboldened by France’s victories in its ongoing war with Britain, X, Y, and Z increased the amount of the requested U.S. loan and even threatened a military invasion of America if the U.S. diplomats refused to agree. When the U.S. diplomats held their ground and refused to agree to the French demands, Talleyrand finally met with them. While he dropped his demands for a loan and a bribe, he refused to put an end to French seizures of American merchant ships. While Americans Pinckney and Marshall prepared to leave France, Elbridge Gerry decided to remain, hoping to avert an outright war. President John Adams Reaction to the XYZ Affair As he read the disheartening reports from Gerry, Pinckney, and Marshall, President Adams prepared for war with France. While pro-war Federalists urged Congress to support him, Democratic-Republican leaders distrusted his motives and demanded that he make the diplomatic correspondence from Paris public. Adams agreed, but knowing the sensitivity of the contents, he redacted the names of Talleyrand’s intermediaries, replacing them with the letters X, Y, and Z. He also used the letter W to refer to Nicholas Hubbard, an Englishman employed by a Dutch bank who took part in the latter stages of the negotiations. Though Adams prepared for war, he never officially declared it. In France, Talleyrand, realizing the risks of his actions, sought to restore diplomatic relations with America and the U.S. Congress agreed to negotiate directly with the French Directorate. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean, the U.S. Navy had started fighting French forces commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte attempting to defeat Toussaint L’Ouverture, leader of the Haitian independence movement. The Convention of 1800 By 1799, Napoleon had come to power in France and was focused on recovering the North American Louisiana territory from Spain. Talleyrand, retained by Napoleon as Foreign Minister, was trying to prevent further hostilities with the U.S. The British, still at war with France, were thrilled with the growing anti-French sentiment in the U.S. and offered to help the Americans fight their common foe. However, President Adams was convinced that if France had really wanted an all-out war it would have responded to America’s attacks on French ships in the Caribbean. For his part, Talleyrand, also fearing the costs of a full-scale war, hinted that he would meet with a new American diplomat. Despite the public’s and the Federalists’ desire for war, Adams sent not one, but three peace negotiators—William Vans Murray, Oliver Ellsworth, and William Richardson Davie—to France. In March 1800, American and French diplomats finally convened in Paris to hammer out a peace agreement. After first annulling the 1778 Treaty of Alliance, they reached a new agreement based on the original Model Treaty of 1776 that would become known as the Convention of 1800.  Ã‚   The agreement peacefully ended the 1778 alliance between the United States and France while releasing France from any financial responsibility for damages to U.S. shipping and commerce since the start of the French Revolution. The specific terms of the Convention of 1800 included: The Quasi-War was to end.France agreed to return captured American ships.U.S. agreed to compensate its citizens for damages inflicted by France on American shipping (damages totaled $20 million; U.S. paid $3.9 million to heirs of original claimants in 1915).The Franco-American Alliance was terminated.U.S. and France granted each other most-favored-nation status.U.S. and France reestablished commercial relations on terms similar to those outlined in Franco-American Alliance. It would not be for nearly 150 more years that the United States would enter into another formal alliance with a foreign country: the Montevideo Convention was ratified in 1934. Sources Stinchcombe, William (1980). â€Å"The XYZ Affair.† Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN 9780313222344.Berkin, Carol. â€Å"A Sovereign People: The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism.† New York: Basic Books, 2017.DeConde, Alexander. â€Å"The Quasi-War: The Politics and Diplomacy of the Undeclared War with France, 1797-1801.† New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1966.Kuehl, John W. â€Å"Southern Reaction to the XYZ Affair: An Incident in the Emergence of American Nationalism.† Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 70, no. 1 (1972)Lyon, E. Wilson (September 1940). â€Å"The Franco-American Convention of 1800.† The Journal of Modern History.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The ENIAC Project Its Significance in Computer Science...

The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society â€Å"†¦With the advent of everyday use of elaborate calculations, speed has become paramount to such a high degree that there is no machine on the market today capable of satisfying the full demand of modern computational methods. The most advanced machines have greatly reduced the time required for arriving at solutions to problems which might have required months or days by older procedures. This advance, however, is not adequate for many problems encountered in modern scientific work and the present invention is intended to reduce to seconds such lengthy computations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  From the ENIAC patent (No. 3,120,606), filed 26 June 1947. When World War II broke out in 1939†¦show more content†¦However, both of these two men did most of the work on the ENIAC and deserve credit for its creation. The army deserves credit as well. Without the military’s discovery, driven by the emergency of lack of war technology, the ENIAC memo might never have been found and the project never initiated. The ENIAC was an incredibly complex and gigantic machine for its time. Although simple calculators that were able to add and multiply had existed for several years, the ENIAC was unique for several reasons. The ENIAC had twenty individual accumulators, rapid adding machines, which were able to add digits 0 through 9 very quickly. The fascinating part of the accumulators was that they were able to remember and store each computation and use it later on. â€Å"ENIAC could discriminate between the sign of a number, compare quantities for equality, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and extract square roots. ENIAC stored a maximum of twenty 10 digit decimal numbers. Its accumulators combined the functions of an adding machine and storage unit. No central memory unit existed. Storage was localized within the functioning units of the computer.†(3) What makes the ENIAC the first â€Å"digital† or personal computer is the fact that it had a central programming unit that would determine which accumulators to activate and what to do with their outputs. This central programming unit used repeating loops so that different units of the ENIAC could work atShow MoreRelatedImpact of Computer on Record Keeping3125 Words   |  13 PagesTHE IMPACT OF COMPUTER APPLICTION ON RECORD KEEPING. A CASE STUDY OF PHCN. BY AHMAD UMAR DEWA A PROJECT SUBMITE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study The introduction and use of computer can not be over emphasized. Often time, it’s application has resulted in the fast transformation of theRead MoreThe History Of Computer Engineering2185 Words   |  9 Pages The History of Computer Engineering What exactly is computer engineering? 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passage to india Persuasive Essay Example For Students

passage to india Persuasive Essay A Passage to India Hindu Influence Several different literary elements work in tandem to produce the magic seen in E. M. Forsters A Passage to India. Because this novel was presented to the world less than a decade after World War I, the fantastic and exotic stories of India seized the attention of the relatively provincial society of the day, and the novels detailed presentation of Hinduism certainly excited the imaginations of thousands of readers. Benita Parry supports this assertion when saying, Hinduism takes its place at the core of the novel just as it lies at the heart of India (164). How powerful was Hinduism in India? Historians have pointed out that the Indian masses united with strength only when Gandhi appealed to them through Hinduism (Parry 164). With this in mind, it seems reasonable for Forster to devote much energy to portraying the Hindu religion. Furthermore, Forster himself expressed that he viewed himself as on nearer nodding terms with Krishna (the Hindu god of literature, art, music, and dance) than with any other god (McDowell 105). The clash between Hinduism and Christianity in A Passage to India parallels the conflict between the Indians and the English. Hinduism is best represented in the novel by Professor Godbole, and Christianity is epitomized in Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Moore comes to India with the kindness and understanding heart of a devout Christian but leaves morose and peevish. Perhaps she is haunted into this state by Professor Godboles strange song:At times there seemed rhythm, at times there was the illusion of a Western melody. But the ear, baffled repeatedly, soon lost any clue, and wandered in a maze of noises, none harsh or unpleasant, none intelligible. The sounds continued and ceased after a few moments as casually as they had begun apparently half through a bar, and upon the subdominant (84-85). When Godbole explains that his song is about a milkmaid begging for the Krishnas assistance, and Krishnas failure to appear, Mrs. Moore asks, But he comes in another song, I hope? to which Godbole immediately replies, Oh no, he refuses to come. I say to him , Come, come, come, come, come, come. He neglects to come (85). It is this song that forces Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested into emotional cocoons from which they only escape to meet horrible circumstances: Mrs. Moore is terrorized to the point of apathy, and Mrs. Quested meets horror in the caves. Although Forster admits that he finds the Hindu religion to be the most agreeable, he obviously does not hesitate to depict the flaws of the religion. Professor Godbole is undeniably distant from the mainstream society, and because of this forbidding remoteness, Godbole can never hope to actually bring about any reforms. Many critics pay special attention to authors mastery of characterization, but in A Passage to India, Forster proves that abstract ideas, such as the Hindu religion, can be developed and portrayed with as much detail as a protagonist. Because of Forsters talent, the reader, upon completing the novel, feels equally acquainted with both the Hinduism of Professor Godbole and the Christianity of Mrs. Moore.