Monday, June 8, 2020

Urinary Tract Infection Medicine Research Assignment - 275 Words

Urinary Tract Infection Medicine Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: URINARY TRACT INFECTIONByInstitutionUrinary Tract InfectionUrinary catheters place the patients using them at a risk of developing infections. The tubing when blocked, causing accumulation of urine in the bladder, can lead to infections. Bacteria may also reach the bladder through the tube leading to infection. Some symptoms realized with catheter associated UTI are; swelling, bleeding, or irritation around the catheter; bladder inflammation reduced drainage and reduced mental functionality (Carter, Reitmeier, Goodloe, 2014). The best way to reduce bacteria associated catheter infection is to remove it whenever it is no longer needed, and limit it to patients who require it more (Hooton, Bradley, Cardenas, Colgan, Geerlings, Rice, Nicolle, 2010).According to Carter et al. (2014), the best way to maintain catheters is to catheterize patients only when it is essential, and emphasize the importance of proper hand washing for all, insert catheters with sterile equipment using aseptic technique. Additionally, provide proper catheter maintenance, perform daily perineal care and after every bowel movement, note the clarity of urine at each shift, and remove the catheter as soon as possible. The catheter area and drainage bag should be clean all the times, and the bag emptied every eight hours (Carter et al. 2014). At all times the placement of the collection-bag and catheter tubing should be below the bladder, and the patient should have sufficient fluid intake (Carter et al. 2014). Additionally, the catheter tubing should not have any kinks and clamps and using small sized French catheter.Prevention of use of indwelling catheters and CAUTI is through inserting the indwelling catheter at the right condition, using proper insertion techniques, careful maintenance procedures, and elimination at earliest likely opportunity, ...

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